I am Zhu-Tian (Zhutian) Chen, currently an Assistant Professor in the CSE department at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Prior to that, I spent some great times in the Visual Computing Group at Harvard University with Prof. Hanspeter Pfister and the Design Lab and Creativity Lab at UC San Diego with Prof. Haijun Xia. I received my PhD in CSE from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, where I worked with Prof. Qu Huamin in the HKUST VisLab.

My research seeks to augment human intelligence in everyday activities through data visualizations. I design, build, and evaluate hybrid human-AI systems that empower users to visualize and interact with information in both desktop and outdoor environments, using methods of human-centered design, Augmented Reality, and Applied AI.

I love little catsimage and big little dogsimage.

I am actively seeking undergraduate, master's, and PhD students, as well as visiting scholars and interns to join and establish my new lab. Please find more in work with me if you are interested in!

Selected Projects

(Full list)
Project - Intelligent AR Systems for Dynamic Scenes

RL-LABEL: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach Intended for AR Label Placement in Dynamic Scenarios

Chen Zhu-Tian, Daniele Chiappalupi, Tica Lin, Yalong Yang, Johanna Beyer, and Hanspeter Pfister

VIS: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2023


iBall: Augmenting Basketball Videos with Gaze-moderated Embedded Visualizations

Chen Zhu-Tian, Qisen Yang, Jiarui Shan, Tica Lin, Johanna Beyer, Haijun Xia, and Hanspeter Pfister

CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2023


The Quest for Omnioculars: Embedded Visualization for Augmenting Basketball Game Viewing Experiences

Tica Lin, Chen Zhu-Tian, Yalong Yang, Daniele Chiappalupi, Johanna Beyer, and Hanspeter Pfister

VIS: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2022

Honorable Mention Award


Augmenting Sports Videos with VisCommentator

Chen Zhu-Tian, Shuainan Ye, Xiangtong Chu, Haijun Xia, Hui Zhang, Huamin Qu, and Yingcai Wu

VIS: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2021

Honorable Mention Award

Project - Language-Oriented Interactions

WaitGPT: Monitoring and Steering Conversational LLM Agent in Data Analysis with On-the-Fly Code Visualization

Liwenhan Xie, Chengbo Zheng, Haijun Xia, Huamin Qu, and Chen Zhu-Tian

UIST: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, 2024


Sketch Then Generate: Providing Incremental User Feedback and Guiding LLM Code Generation through Language-Oriented Code Sketches

Chen Zhu-Tian, Zeyu Xiong, Xiaoshuo Yao, and Elena Glassman

ArXiv, 2024


DataParticles: Block-based and Language-oriented Authoring of Animated Unit Visualization

Yining Cao, Jane L. E., Chen Zhu-Tian, and Haijun Xia

CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2023

Best Paper Award


Sporthesia: Augmenting Sports Videos Using Natural Language

Chen Zhu-Tian, Qisen Yang, Xiao Xie, Johanna Beyer, Haijun Xia, Yingcai Wu, and Hanspeter Pfister

VIS: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2022


CrossData: Leveraging Text-Data Connections for Authoring Data Documents

Chen Zhu-Tian, and Haijun Xia

CHI: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2022

Jul. 2024One paper got accepted by VIS 2024 and one paper got accepted by UIST 2024!
Jan. 2024Long time no see! Finally have moved to Minneapolis!
Jul. 2023Three papers got accepted by VIS 2023 @ Melbourne, Australia!
Jun. 2023Invited to serve as an Associate Chair for ACM CHI 2024.
Jun. 2023One short paper got EuroVis Honorable Mention Award!
May. 2023I am invited as a speaker and panalist of the KDD23 Workshop on Data Science and AI for Sports. See you in Long Beach, CA!
Apr. 2023One paper got CHI Best Paper Award!
Fed. 2023Invited to serve on the Program Committee for IEEE VIS 2023.
Jan. 2023Two papers accepted to CHI23 @ Hamburg, Germany.
Aug. 2022Two papers got VIS Honorable Mention Award!
Jul. 2022Awarded with a Harvard Certificate of Distinction and Excellence in Teaching based on student's evaluation.
Jun. 2022Four papers accepted to VIS 2022 @ Oklahoma.
May. 2022Present CrossData in CHI22 @ NOLA. Plz check my talk here.
Mar. 2022One paper accepted to L@S!
Feb. 2022One paper accepted to CHI2022. See you guys in New Orleans!
Oct. 2021Leave UCSD and start my PostDoc at Harvard!
Sep. 2021VisCommentator got VIS Honorable Mention Award!
Aug. 2021One paper got accepted by TVCG!
Jul. 2021Two papers got accepted by VIS 2021 @ Virtual!
Nov. 2020Started my PostDoc at UCSD.
Aug. 2020Two papers got accepted by VIS 2020 @ Virtual!
Dec. 2019One paper got accepted by CHI 2020 @ Hawaii, US Virtual!
Sep. 2019I visited Dr.Benjamin Bach @ the University of Edinburgh, UK.
Jul. 2019Two papers got accepted by VIS 2019 @ Vancouver, Canda!
Jan. 2019One paper got accepted by TVCG. It will be presented at VIS 2019 @ Vancouver, Canda!